Race for Life 2015

Well it’s official, I’ll be taking part in Race for Life again this year. I enjoyed it so much last year & will be taking part with my amazing friend Kate again (we might even break into a run again!)

This also marks the beginning of another year of fundraising again. Last year I managed to raise around £800 for charities such as Breast Cancer Care, Cancer Research, Macmillan Cancer Care & Katharine House Hospice. I would love to be able to do the same again.

So here’s to another year of telling cancer where to go!

Me- 1 Cancer- 0

It has been playing on my mind for quite some time and my recent trip to the Breast Care Clinic only confirmed it.

Can you believe it has been nearly a year since my diagnosis?

Looking back over the past year, so much has changed (both good & bad) and I have grown so much as a person. I have found out things about myself I would have never believed were true. I felt scared, determined and bewildered all at the same time. All because of one little word.

So as 20th February draws closer, it got me thinking how am I going to spend my “cancerversary”? Some people do nothing, some may even mourn the day while others choose to do something, which is what I plan to do. So I have booked a weekend away to Manchester for me, Tom & my babies so we can have some fun as a family. I have decided that am I going to celebrate each year I beat the little b*****d instead of letting it get me down.

Good news

Well today I have been able to breathe a sigh of relief. It has been announced today that Perjeta, the drug I receive, will continue to be funded through the Cancer Drug Fund. Today was when 6 drugs used for treatment for breast cancer, as well as drugs to treat other types of cancer, would have their fate decided. Perjeta is 1 of 3 drugs used to treat secondary breast cancer that will be kept. Sadly 3 drugs which are also used have been axed.

From my personal experience & from what I have heard from the nurses, Perjeta has very few side effects and, although, it is given intravenously there is hope that in the future this could change.


How insensitive?!

So as you are aware I have been struggling emotionally over Christmas and to see this in the news is really quite shocking.

Considering the amount of people fighting cancer, he comes across as insensitive and completely oblivious to how people with cancer feel. This sweeping statement seems to have no basis on actual cancer patients or their families, just the small population of people who have been lucky enough to have not had cancer affect them either personally or through a family member.

I seriously doubt this comes as much consolation to those, like myself, who are diagnosed at a fairly young age or the families of children with cancer.

My suggestion is he reconsidered his comments and makes an apology.
